Domestic Wastewater Forms | Florida Department of Environmental Protection

2022-05-28 13:37:03 By : Mr. Kevin Zhao

Florida Department of Environmental Protection

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Welcome to the Department of Environmental Protection’s (DEP) domestic wastewater forms webpage. Below is a table of DEP’s Domestic Wastewater Forms.

Forms may be submitted electronically or by hard copies. If you want to submit a form electronically to DEP, please review the Electronic Submission Instructions and Domestic Wastewater Permit Application Fees documents prior to submitting the form. If your facility is regulated by a delegated local program and you want to submit a form electronically, contact your delegated local program. Also, please note the following:

If you do not have the capability or do not want to submit a form electronically, hard copies of the completed form with all required attachments and fees should be mailed to the appropriate offices indicated on each form.

Notification/Application For Constructing a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System

Notification of Completion of Construction for a Domestic Wastewater Collection/Transmission System 

Gambling Vessel Verification of Marine Waste Treatment System

Notice of Intent to Use General Permit for Addition of a Major User of Reclaimed Water

Application for Permission to Place a Public Access Reuse System in Operation

Wastewater Facility or Activity Permit Application—General Information—Form 1

Wastewater Permit Application Form 2A for Domestic Wastewater Facilities

Permit to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Industrial Activity Application Form 2F (Revised 10/23/00)

Application for a Minor Revision to a Wastewater Facility or Activity Permit (Revised 10/23/00)

Application for Transfer of a Wastewater Facility or Activity Permit (Revised 10/23/00)

Notification of Completion of Construction for Wastewater Facilities or Activities (Revised 10/23/00)

Notification of Availability of Record Drawings and Final Operation and Maintenance Manuals (Revised 10/23/00)

Request for Approval of Monitoring Plans for Discharge of Domestic Wastewater to Wetlands

Notice of Intent to Use a Generic Permit for Domestic Wastewater Facilities Under Rules 62-621.500(2)(a) or (b), F.A.C.

Treatment Facility Biosolids Annual Summary

Biosolids Application Site Annual Summary

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